ABMunis Board Nomination

I am excited to share that I am seeking the position of director for Towns South on the Alberta Municipalities (ABMunis) board of directors.

As a board member, I would advocate for my community, my region and all towns in Southern Alberta. I would be in a role that supports all municipal leaders across the province to build thriving communities.

Alberta Municipalities is an organization that lobbies the province on behalf of municipal governments and elected officials. It represents more than 300 communities, from the largest cities in the province to towns and summer villages. It represents municipalities where 85 per cent of Alberta’s population lives.

Its advocacy is membership-driven. That includes direction from resolutions voted on at our annual convention and representation from different regions and sizes of municipalities.

It provides products and services to municipal governments and joint programs like the Elected Official Education Certificate program with the University of Alberta and Rural Municipalities Alberta.

What will I bring to the role of director for Towns South?

My background in journalism, with 15 years covering municipal and provincial politics, would make me an asset on the board. The ability to craft a message, tell a story, and find a way to connect with the priorities and needs of each side of an issue is a valuable skill. Strategic planning, and thinking not only ahead, but across multiple perspectives at once, comes from years of experience as a reporter covering all levels of government.

I have experience in board governance, municipal governance, risk management, public relations and media, and strategic planning. My background and experience make me a strong candidate for this role.

However, what I will gain if I am successful, is an invaluable opportunity to learn leadership skills and gain experience in advocacy and relationship-building at the highest levels of government.

My success has come from hard work and determination. From getting knocked down, and getting back up. My curiosity drives me forward into new challenges and opportunities. I am a lifelong learner and this is an opportunity to learn alongside community leaders from across Alberta that I cannot pass up.

On Friday, Sept. 27, 2024, at the ABMunis convention in Red Deer, I hope to convince my colleagues from municipalities across southern Alberta to support me as their representative on the board of directors.


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